Moleskine Writing Template by Rod Graves This template is based on a medieval page layout principle described in Robert Bringhurst’s excellent book on typography, ‘The Elements of Typographic Style’. The template is for the unlined ‘Large’/13 x 21cm size, but I will probably add one for the pocket Moleskine. You won’t be able to see the guide through the paper with the Sketchbook type – this is for the green-label/‘Plain Notebook’ type. BACKGROUND The Large sized notebook’s dimensions are nearly equivalent to a Golden Section rectangle (1:1.61803…). The design of the template is related to the golden section/Φ/the Fibonacci sequence. Makes a handy bookmark too!
using the template
The Files There are two large versions – one based on the method above (1/9th margin) and a very similar one with better page economy/less whitespace (1/12th margin). » moleskine_large-A.pdf By popular request, there is also a version for the smaller pocket Moleskine: Enjoy! Please send feedback to